Health & Beauty

20 Things Men Find Unattractive In A Woman

Keep it short and sweet.
As a general rule, the simpler the message, the better. So, avoid typing out a super long text if you’re going for a flirty tone. Think about it this way: Which would be more effective for capturing your attention at a bar — if someone smiled, said “hey,” and walked away, or if someone approached you and rambled on for 5 straight minutes about their life? A short text is not only smoother, but it also encourages some back and forth banter — the way you naturally talk in real life.


  • Missing that face RN. Send me a photo of it?

  • So, I had a crazy dream about you last night…

  • What are you doing this weekend? Besides hanging with me, of course.

  • Fun fact: this song just reminded me of you.

Flirty Text #1: The “Comical Text

The first kind of text message to send a man to get him to lust over you is what I call the “Comical Text”. This is a light-hearted, humorous text to make the guy you’re into laugh.

Laughter is one of the easiest ways to a man’s heart. Be that witty and whimsical woman that every man dreams of finding.

But be careful. Don’t turn everything into a joke. And don’t add “LOL” or “haha” to every text message.

Flirty Text #2: The Question and Arouse (aka Q&A) Text

This is for when you want to get to know your guy a little better.

Instead of sending mundane questions, like:

“What are you up to??”

“How was your day?”

Try texting him something like this instead:

“What are you wearing right now?”

“What do you want me to do to you later?”

This really turns up the heat and arouses his imagination!

Flirty Text #3: The “Life Lover” Text

This text expresses your confidence and love for life. The key here is to keep your message positive and radiating with passion for life.

Maybe you comment on the wonderful day you’re having. Or telling him all about the praise you got from your boss.

Whatever you choose, the words should tell the story of a woman who is bold, brave, knows what she wants! Trust me, this boldness will make your guy go ga-ga.

Flirty Text #4: The “Nude Illusion”

This one’s pretty simple. With just a few careful, sometimes harmless words you place images of your sexy, naked body in your guy’s mind.

With these texts you’re tapping deep into his dirty imagination. Making him unable to focus on anything but the thoughts of your nude body by sending visual texts like..

“Gotta run, I have to go buy a bikini”

“I’m going to take a long, hot shower.”

“Guess who’s not wearing any panties? ;-)”

But this DOESN’T mean sending nude selfies though! Even if he begs!

Flirty Text #5: The “Tickle His Senses”

Guys fear rejection. So, it’s important to show him know that you’re interested. The key is to be subtle. And that’s what this text example will do.

Flirt with him, laugh lots and throw a compliment his way. Tickle all of his senses. Make him feel good so he’ll CRAVE being around you.

The point here is to give him a little taste of your sensual side. But to leave him wanting more!

1. Don’t Lose Hope

Don’t lose hope. If you want a guy to fall in love with you, you have to be hopeful at all times. Losing hope can be a disease not only in trying to win the heart of a man but also in all things that we do in our day-to-day life.

Hope for the best, but don’t lose sight of reality. When pursuing a man and wanting him to fall in love with you, there are definitely two likely outcomes, which are:

  1. He also falls in love with you

  2. He rejects your advances

When pursuing the love of a man, it’s important to be hopeful and stay positive. (We all appear more attractive and appealing when we give off good, positive vibes.) But don’t hang all your hopes on getting the result you dream about. He has feelings just like you do, and none of us really have control over our hearts!

He might be interested in you as much as you are interested in him. Be motivated by that hope, and take steps to find out if it is the case. You won’t know until you make an effort to catch him. However, you should also prepare for any eventuality and outcome. If this man’s not the one for you, there will be another man on your horizon. So don’t lose hope!

2. Be Yourself

Be yourself when trying to make a man fall in love with you. It is important to be yourself and not someone else when it comes to personality and character. If you are pretending to be different from your true self when trying to make a guy like you, you are not doing yourself any favors.

By trying not to be yourself, you are clearly indicating or suggesting that you are not comfortable with yourself. Many guys will easily notice this shortcoming in you and quickly become disinterested.

You might be able to keep the façade up for a few weeks, months, or even years. But sooner or later you’ll grow tired of hiding your true personality, and he’ll get tired of trying to figure out who you really are, what you really like, and when you are actually being sincere.

  • If you have a high-powered job, don’t play dumb yourself down.

  • If you hate high heels, don’t wear stilettos.

  • Your dog hogs the front seat of your car, and sleeps in your bed? The two of you had better talk about that.

  • Do you have children? That’s definitely worth mentioning upfront.

The best relationship is a long relationship. When a man falls madly in love with you, you want that love to last, so be yourself right from the start.

3. Be Aware of Your Appearance

Don’t let your appearance let you down. Your appearance can make you win or lose when it comes to dating. To please a man and make him get interested in you, you should be presentable. Be aware of what you are wearing, whether or not your hair is clean, and if you are dressed appropriately.

Of course, you want to look sexy for the man you want to fall in love with you, but sex appeal doesn’t necessarily mean body-hugging clothing and lots of cleavage. Jeans and a t-shirt with wind-blown hair can be just as sexy as a manicured look in a formal outfit, in the right circumstances. The key? Feel confident, comfortable, and good about yourself.

Ways to Help You Look and Feel Your Best
  • Choose your clothing and your style to match the occasion.

  • Choose clothing that works for the occasion, but that makes you feel comfortable.

  • Do your best to look as good as you can, no matter where you are going. You never know when you might unexpectedly bump into the man of your dreams, whether it’s the one you’re actively pursuing or not!

So, before you race out the door to buy the missing ingredient for your quiet dinner at home on your lonesome, change that grubby shirt!

4. Listen, Don’t Just Talk!

When you want to please and make a man fall for you, it is important that you listen. Don’t just talk. If you chatter incessantly when you are nervous, find some other way to cope with your nerves.

Many girls make the mistake of talking more than they listen when they are around a potential male partner. Girls aren’t the only ones, of course. Many men do the same thing. But this is a big mistake that can easily cost you getting the man of your dreams.

Even a man who is generally not talkative will definitely have something to say. Everyone likes to be ‘heard.’ If you keep talking and talking all the time without giving him the chance to express himself, he’s likely to be disappointed. Making it hard for him to get a word in could lower your chances of him falling in love with you.

5. Show Confidence

Liking yourself makes it easy for him to like you too. You’re a good person with very special qualities. Be confident that you are worthy of being loved!

Confidence is key. Sure, some women seem to make a career out of catching men by playing the victim, or the helpless female.

Without confidence, you risk being left behind. If you want a guy to like you, you need to have a sense of confidence in yourself that will ultimately make you approach him without fearing or sensing any danger.

Having fun together is a great way to foster a relationship and build confidence in yourself.

6. Smile and Laugh

When you are working on ways to make a guy fall in love with you, it is essential to smile and laugh. Don’t present an unfriendly face. Be as outgoing, friendly, and social as you feel comfortable being.

Guys generally like girls with a sense of humor who can make them feel good. Tell him enjoyable stories, and don’t be afraid to laugh. Remember not to go overboard and look like a comedian. It is great to have a partner who is enjoyable and outgoing, but very few people like the idea of living with a comedian.

7. You Have to Give, Not Just Take

You have to give, and not just take, to increase your chances of him falling in love with you. A man can easily differentiate between a girl who wants something from him and one who cares for him.

There are certainly girls who are after money (gold diggers). Differentiate yourself from the typical gold digger and let him see you are interested in him for his love and not his money or any other material thing.

8. Let Him Put Some Extra Effort In

Let him also put some extra effort in. If you keep chasing after a man for months while he is going on with his activities, you’ll most likely be seen as a desperate woman. Being available to him always is not really a good thing. Don’t let him get bored.

Instead, allow him to make advances towards you. Many men enjoy the thrill of the ‘chase.’ Catch his eye and his attention, and then let him work a little to win you over. Let him notice how much he misses you when you are not around. As soon as he suspects he’s falling in love with you, he will definitely do something to get you.

9. Get to Know (and Understand) What He Does

This is something that could dramatically increase your chances of winning his love. Take opportunities to get involved in things he does. Ask him whether he needs any help to accomplish a task. If he discovers that you are keenly interested in his plans, he will see that you care for him and that you could be a good partner.

Be patient with a new potential partner—they may surprise you.

10. Have Patience and Don’t Push Him Too Hard to Make Important Decisions

Patience will definitely pay off. Be patient and go slow when trying to make a man fall in love with you. Don’t expect him to fall in love or say yes to your advances instantly.

Many men will definitely need time to decide whether he is ready to enter into a relationship with you or not. If he likes you, he will make it obvious. But don’t ever push him to make a quick decision on whether he likes you or not.

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