Health & Beauty

How To Use Vaseline For Extremely Fast Hair Growth

How to Speed Up Your Hair Growth Naturally

If you face hair fall, dandruff, and other such hair issues, you cannot grow your hair long. Having long and healthy hair is the deep desire of all women. The hair of some women is naturally amazing. But, some of you have to take good care of your hair in order to make them healthy, long and strong. How to boost the natural growth of your hair? In the video below, I am going to share with you a 100% useful recipe to use Vaseline for extremely fast hair growth. Make and use the remedy to have long and healthy hair.

Grow Longer Natural Hair without Hair Products

To make hair long, strong and healthy, the ingredients you need for this home remedy are


  • Vaseline, half spoon
  • Aloe Vera Gel, one spoon
  • Black Seeds oil, one spoon
  • Almond oil, one spoon


  • Take a clean bowl, and in it, add half spoon of Vaseline.
  • Melt the Vaseline using double boiler method after this.
  • Next, add one spoon of Aloe Vera gel in it.
  • After this, add one spoon of black seeds oil in it.
  • Next, add one spoon of almond oil.
  • Now, mix all of these ingredients, and make a smooth mixture.
  • The best homemade remedy for extremely fast hair growth is ready for use now.

How to Use:

Comb your hair, and then apply the paste to your hair. Massage your scalp, and then massage your hair ends. Leave it for one to two hours, and then wash your hair with lukewarm water. You may leave it overnight. Use the remedy twice in a week.

Massage your scalp with black seeds oil or almond oil on alternate days. In one month, you will get amazing results.

This home remedy for extremely fast hair growth is beneficial for your hair. It deeply nourishes your hair, and makes your hair healthy, long and strong. So, make and use this remedy and have beautiful hair.

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