Some people are embarrassed to talk about certain things with their doctor. One of those embarrassing things is anal canal cancer, but there’s nothing wrong with that because talking to your doctor and spotting the signs in time could save your life.
Anal canal cancer is a rare and infrequent cancer that occurs in the anal canal. It is caused by a genetic mutation that turns healthy cells into abnormal cells. When these cells begin to grow, they get out of control and do not die. These abnormal cells eventually cause a huge tumor.
Because it is a rare type, most signs can go undetected. Here are the signs of anal cancer to look out for:
- pain in the anus.
Hemorrhoids can cause tenderness and pain in the anus. Sometimes this pain can be a sign of anal canal cancer. The pain will be mild at first and then turn into a constant pain. If the pain is left untreated, it will become unbearable, which means the cancer has spread.
- Itching in the anus.
If you only experience itching, you don’t need to worry. On the other hand, if you experience other signs along with the itching, you should see a doctor.
- anal bleeding
More often than not, people assume that anal bleeding is caused by hemorrhoids. Unfortunately, constant anal bleeding can be a sign of anal canal cancer.
- Anus discharge
If you notice a mucous discharge from your anus, it could be a sign of anal canal cancer. If mucus is covering your feces every time you go to the bathroom, see your doctor.
- A lump on the outside of your anus
If you notice a lump on the outside of your anus, keep an eye on it. If it starts to enlarge, it may be a lump. When the lump starts to grow, you will also feel pain.
To prevent anal cancer, you should be aware of some risk factors. The main factor is anal sex, which increases your chances of developing cancer, as well as HIV.