Health & Beauty

If your kidneys are at risk, your body will give you these 7 signs

The kidneys are very important to your health because they detoxify and cleanse the body, filtering 10-150 liters of blood a day.

They are located under the chest. Their function is to remove unnecessary and excess fluid from the body, regulate electrolyte levels, produce more red blood cells, regulate pressure in the body and keep bones healthy and strong.

In the event of danger or interference, all health is at risk. That’s why it’s important to learn to discern the signals our body gives us that indicate kidney damage and failure:

Changes in urination are the first most common symptoms of kidney damage:

difficulty urinating;
pale color of urine; need to urinate frequently and in large quantities;
frothy urine;
dark-colored urine; decreased urinary demand or reduced quantity of urine;
frequent urges to urinate at night; pressure during urination.
Swelling – with impaired kidney function, the body is unable to excrete excess fluid, resulting in swelling of the face, joints and extremities, and bloating of the abdomen.

Metallic taste in your mouth – you may have bad breath or an altered taste in your mouth due to waste deposits in your blood. If your kidney is severely damaged, you may have a strong change in the taste of certain foods or a decreased appetite.

Fatigue – If your kidneys are healthy, they produce EPO (erythropoietin), the hormone responsible for producing the red blood cells that supply the body with essential oxygen. If the production of red blood cells decreases, fatigue, brain and muscle damage sets in. This is also a common sign of severe anemia.

Pain – Another known sign of kidney damage or failure is pain in the upper back, right at the kidneys; this pain may also be accompanied by an infection or kidney stones.

Shortness of breath – Kidney damage can also lead to shortness of breath due to a lack of oxygen in the body, caused by a decrease in the number of red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. Their numbers are reduced because of toxins accumulated in the lungs.

Poor concentration and dizziness – Lack of oxygen in the brain can lead to severe anemia or kidney failure, resulting in concentration and attention problems, dizziness, memory problems or dizziness.

Skin rashes – Deposition of toxins can also lead to kidney failure, so the skin may itch and be covered with a rash. The buildup of toxins in the blood causes unhealthy skin that appears irritated and dry. This appearance can be improved a little with lotions or creams, but the real problem is internal and should be treated that way.

With all this in mind, it is very important to take proper and sensible care of your kidney health by eating foods high in antioxidants, supplements and enough water. This will help kidney function, prevent any such complications, and maintain overall health.

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