Health & Beauty


There are many drinks in this world. Some of them are good for our health others can destroy our life. One may then ask how can drinks destroy our life or how can it build our life? Which drinks are bad for health? you have to know first that today there are thousands of products that are processed and contain chemicals, preservatives and dyes. They are a big problem for our body because we are not prepared to digest such complex compounds.
When we drink different kinds of drinks or when we eat different types of fook,Our body takes a lot to do the digestion
For example: when we eat a salad we can ingest it in a maximum of two hours, while a hamburger takes up to three days inside us and in the end leaves residues that could not be consumed completely.

We can then illustrate what happens when we eat junk food every day , when we make a mixture of drinks and some other foods, when we take the mixture of different drinks, or even worse several times a day.
In this post, we will not focus on something more common and even more deadly, soft drinks. These products contain more than one factor that can affect us at health level and here we will tell you what they are. drinks every day, without even thinking about the side effects.

In fact, we all take drinks. We all take soda but there soda which are not good for our health when theye are taken with other drinks or other foods.
We all know that coca cola is a very harmful product, it is widely known that its composition is equivalent to more than thirty tablespoons of sugar per container, which is a serious problem for those who drink this excessively.
Too much sugar and glucose in our body can be the trigger for problems such as: hypertension, obesity, heart failure, arthritis, artery blockages and more. Which is no small thing to take into consideration.

You will have received all the sugar you need in a whole day when we consume a can of cola at ten minutes, which is a big impact for the body.At twenty minutes: The liver converts the sugar into fat.

At forty minutes: Glucose enters the blood, which increases blood pressure and your pupils dilate.
At forty-five minutes, you begin to produce dopamine and your heart rate accelerates.Taking into account these effects, we can deduce that in excess we could cause cardiac arrest very easily, which is no small thing.

Yes, this drink is very dangerous for you and it can cause serious side effects for your health in general. Ladies and gentlemen, we’re talking about the soda drinks. Unfortunately, a lot of people around the world drink soda
Many people know that sugary drinks are not good for their health, but still, this doesn’t change the fact that people in America consume an average of 57 gallons of soda per person. More than $75 billion worth of soda is still being purchased every year, leading to an increased risk of diabetes, obesity, tooth decay, heart disease and more.
Ladies and gentlemen, you won’t drink soda drinks after reading the information below! YES, you can trust me on that! When you drink a can of Cola, you will experience the following side effects:
o 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar will hit your system, which is 100% of your recommended daily intake.
o 20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat.
o 40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your liver dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.
o 45 minutes: Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. NOTE: according to the experts, this is physically the same way heroin works.

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