Health & Beauty

6 Symptoms Of A Heart Attack That Occurs Only In Women

These are almost always the main reason for early death in the modern world. When a heart attack strikes, it can not always feel the same in women as it does in men.

Follow the six signs every woman should know in order to keep the disease as far as possible.

1. Pain in your arm(s), neck, back, or jaw

These may be very confusing, due to tot the fact that a heart attack is primarily associated with pain in the chest or in the left arm, and almost never in the neck or jaw. Moreover, this may be progressive, nagging, acute or sudden and may also wake you up in the middle of the night and that is the reason why you’d better consult a doctor as soon as you notice any of these unusual symptoms.

2. Sharp stomach pain, sickness

A lot of the time we can mistake stomach pain that signals a heart attack with heartburn, the flu, or a stomach ulcer and some other times, women might experience severe abdominal pressure that can feel like an elephant sitting on your stomach.

3. Cold sweat

This one is just another common symptom among women, so when your body has poor blood circulation and so your brain is not receiving the proper blood flow that it needs in order to function properly. This is a sign that you might be in some danger so you should look for some medical attention in case the cold sweats do not lower.

4. Shortness of breath and dizziness

There is just one more organ that can suffer from loss of blood flow, and that is the lungs. If you are experiencing trouble breathing for no reason, you may be having a heart attack.  Especially if you are also having one or more other symptoms. Many of the women who survived it have said they felt like they had run a marathon, even though they did not even move.

5. Increased fatigue

Some of the people who have a heart attack will feel extremely tired, although they have been sitting still for a while. This is an alarming signal and a reason to give some of your time to the state of your cardiovascular system.

6. Pressure and pain in the chest

Angina is the most common symptom and is caused when your heart is not getting enough oxygen-rich blood. A lot of people will ignore this symptom. Just because they think it is only indigestion. If the pressure is constant, it is actually a direct sign that a heart attack might happen. Some women are having pain not on the left side of the chest but in the whole area around it. If the pain or pressure does not disappear within a few minutes, call your doctor the same moment.

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