Health & Beauty

One Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You – Here Are the 6 Signs

We all know that it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. This is true for every illness, and it is very crucial when you do not actually know the precise symptoms. So, today we will present you some symptoms that people usually ignore and these can indicate the possibility of having a heart attack. If you know them, you can take better care of yourself.

Signs of an Impending Heart Attack

1. Tiredness

One of the main symptoms is fatigue. Women have this symptom more than men do. You need to know the physical and mental exertion do not cause fatigue, they are relieved when the day is over. So, this symptom can indicate a heart attack. Sometimes, you might have difficulties with making your bed or taking a shower.

2. Stomachache

Stomachache, distressed stomach or bloated stomach are one of the most common symptoms of a heart attack. They can appear in both men and women. Usually, before a heart attack, you will get a relief of the stomach pain and then it will happen again. If you are physically strained then the pains might get worse.

3. Insomnia

Insomnia occurs in women more than men. It is connected to a heart attack or a stroke. Also, it is followed by anxiety and forgetfulness. The symptoms are trouble maintaining sleep, trouble falling asleep, waking up early and feeling nauseous and nervous.

4. Arrhythmia

Arrhythmia means a missed heartbeat which is often followed by panic attacks and anxiety. It usually happens to women, unexpectedly. It can be an irregular heartbeat or increased heart rate. However, a heart rate can be also increased due to physical training, especially in cases with atherosclerosis condition. This regularity stays for a minute or two usually. If it stays longer, you will also feel some dizziness and extreme fatigue. If this happens, call your doctor immediately.

5. Excessive Sweat

The first sign that points to a heart attack is unusual sweating. It can happen anytime and it is usually in women. Sometimes it is confused with menopause symptoms. You might also experience sweaty skin, flu or stickiness. It can be really excessive at night that you might even wake up with wet sheets.

6. Chest Pain

Chest pain can be experienced by both men and women. Men needn’t ignore this symptom. About 30% of women are actually affected by this. This type of pain happens in both hands, especially the left one. Also, the lower jaw, neck, shoulder, even abdomen. It can be also short or long.

What are the Risk Factors?

The most common risk factors of a heart attack are obesity, smoking and lack of physical activity. Nevertheless, these are some of many. Still, there are some other factors that really matter, but people do not notice. For instance:

  • Men may experience hair growth in the ear canal.
  • When walking, you experience light tenderness in the calf muscles.
  • The inner corner of your eye has yellow patches.
  • Earlobe Crease

What Should You Do?

If you notice some of these symptoms, you need to go the doctor. Even if you are not sure, better safe than sorry.

Medications can also help to restore the function of the heart and they can give you a bigger chance at survival. So, all in all, if you want to be prepared for a heart attack, you need to take care of your health. Now that you know the problems, you need to be more careful. You should also not smoke, neither from a second-hand smoke. Just eat healthier, monitor the cholesterol and exercise regularly to lower stress. You have only one life, so live it to the fullest!

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