Health & Beauty

Mix Coconut Oil and Baking Soda to Get the Best Face-Cleaning Ever

Honestly, skincare products nowadays have achieved a whole new level. They claim to be all-rounders. They promise results we dream about. “Natural glowing beauty”, “flawless skin in 7 days”, “no more acne” – do sound like pretty attractive offers.

Do they actually work? It doesn’t matter, we buy it anyway.

The back of such skin-cleansing products, with their long names of ingredients, sometimes scare us. We are using things on our face we can’t even pronounce.

How would we know which one has a bad effect on our precious skin?

The real story behind the things we put on our face

Elizabeth Sword from the Children’s Health Environmental Coalition says that many ingredients and chemicals used in the products are kept secret from buyers. Many unhealthy ingredients consists these skin products. Some of the products even sell before proper testing.

So, how can we rely on them if we don’t even know what it’s made of? We can’t. But we need that blemish-free soft skin. Can’t trust market products? Make your own homemade facial scrub!

Moisturize with coconut oil

That go-to product, perfect for cleansing your face is, in fact, coconut oil. It is antimicrobial and thus cleans out the germs from your face. It also has the power to kill the germs producing pimples. How awesome is that? It also reduces inflammations, acting as a soother for skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema. The bonus part? Coconut oil simultaneously moisturizes your skin to glory. Who knew this simple oil is such a lifesaver?

Benefits of Baking soda

Baking Soda is used as a raising agent in several foods. Why should we put it on our face? Because its exfoliation skill is remarkable. It works wonders for removal of stubborn blackheads. After application and rubbing, the skin feels super smooth and soft.

Do you have sunburns and need a soothe? Use baking soda! It has a kind of cooling sensation which will calm the harsh burns. And the best part is, it’s easily available at a very low price.

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