Health & Beauty

What Happens When You Eat 3 Whole Eggs Every Day You’ll be Surprised What it Does to Your Body!

Eggs are not the favorite food among researchers and nutritionists. This is because they are all convinced eggs contain high cholesterol, which harms the body.

This cannot be further from the truth. Eggs, just as coconut oil or avocados, are misinterpreted, but are in fact quite beneficial. As far as the cholesterol goes, eggs do not bring more of it to your body but replace on with the other.

Actually, the egg yolk offers plenty of nutrients and health benefits. Up to 90% of the egg’s calcium and iron are located in its yolk, which makes it totally healthy and recommended. On the other hand, the egg white offers some natural proteins, also significant for the human organism.

If you are still not convinced, read the top 10 eggs benefits and learn why eggs are, indeed, healthy:

  1. Eggs boost the organism

This means, more energy, more activity and more everything. Just one medium-sized egg, contains 6g of high-quality protein and plenty of essential nutrients.

It does not contain vitamin C, though. So, for best results, always combine it with fruit or orange juice and whole-wheat/low GI bread. As breakfast, this may be the ideal combo.

  1. Eggs increase the iron levelsThe lack of iron in the system is often followed by tiredness, headaches and irritability. The iron has the role of carrying the oxygen to the blood, which makes it one important mineral.

    Also, it encourages the immunity and takes care of the overall health. One egg yolk contains iron in the form of heme iron. This is the type of iron that absorbed all nutrients faster than any other kind of iron. Even experts assure that this iron absorbs more nutrients than iron supplements.

    1. Eggs bring important nutrients to diet

    Full of significant compounds, eggs are the product to consume all the time. People who avoid eggs are more likely to suffer Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B12 deficiency. Along with other nutrients, eggs bring in 10-20% of folate and 20-30% of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B12.

    1. Eggs stabilize the cholesterol

    Unfortunately, eggs were targeted as high cholesterol products (210mg per egg yolk). However, studies have compared the egg consumption with the coronary heart disease.

    Other foods, high in fat, and particularly saturated and trans fatty acids do worst job for the body than an egg yolk would. So feel free to consume them regularly and feel the major benefits they bring along.

    1. Eggs provide weight loss qualities

    An eggs toast has 50% higher satiety index than any other breakfast you would choose. Starting the day off with eggs will boost the satiety in overweight people and encourage weight loss.

    1. Eggs improve brain functions

    Eggs contain a nutrient called choline, which is responsible for strengthening the brain and improving the memory. One egg gives about 28% of a pregnant woman’s choline requirement. So, being especially important for pregnant women and breastfeeding, eggs are a huge YES for you.

    1. Eggs ameliorate the vision and prevent cataracts

    According to doctors, if you increase your intake of eggs, spinach, and broccoli, you will reduce the chances for cataracts (up to a 20% decrease) and other vision problems.

    It even deals with blindness in seniors (up to a 40% decrease). Full of antioxidants and nutrients, eggs give a solid content of lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoid vitamins which take care of the eyesight. The carotenoids keep the eyes safe from sunlight exposure and decrease the risk for cataracts by up to 50%.

    1. Eggs give out healthy protein

    Proteins are essential to leading a healthy lifestyle and keeping diet on point. Normally, the human body uses the protein to build new and repair old muscle tissue.

    Additionally amino acids represent the building blocks of protein. Nine of these amino acids have to come through diet so they keep the body safe. Eggs contain nine of these essential amino acids, which help the tissues regenerate and strengthen.

    Note: egg, milk, meat and fish proteins are all proteins. Out of these four, eggs are the best choice. Eggs have a rating of 100. Unlike eggs, milk is rated at 93 and fish and beef at 75. If you eat just one medium-sized egg you will make up for protein, just as if you ate 30g cooked meat, fish or poultry?

    1. Eggs improve bone structure

    Another vitamin in eggs is vitamin D. This one is very significant for absorbing calcium and preserving the bones. Therefore, eggs can reduce symptoms of osteoporosis and the same is true for dairy products.

    1. Eggs take care of the hair and nails

    The hair and nails are the first body parts which show lack of a vitamin or mineral. By consuming eggs you will provide both with high content of Sulfur, amino acids and the plenty of vitamins and minerals.

    People have said that by consuming eggs they improved the structure of their hair and nails- this is achieved by eating eggs and other products high in zinc, Sulfur, vitamin B12 and vitamin A.

    Just like everything else, the consumption with eggs should also be moderate. Only 2 to 3 eggs per day are enough to get the desired results and improve your quality of life.

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