Health & Beauty

11 Unbelievable Habits of People with Hidden Depression (№9 Is so Sad)

People think depression is sadness, crying or dressing in black. But people are wrong. Depression is the constant feeling of being numb. You wake up in the morning just to go back to bed again. The constant feeling of being tired. I believe, we are stuck in a really superficial generation where we post one picture on Instagram each day but don’t speak to our friends and close ones for weeks under the excuse of ‘ I was busy ‘. In time, the differences between people have increased. A research proved that every 1 out of 3 people in our generation is depressed and honestly there isn’t one specific reason for it, however, there is one similar outcome and that is loneliness.

There are millions of articles and quotes on all social media forums who talk about depression where almost every depressed person is painted with the colour black and related to a song of Lana Del Ray. But today we are going to break the stereotype image we’ve created for depression. Today we bring to you 11 unbelievable habits of people who suffer from depression.

1-They are talented and expressive beings.

I’m not saying that sadness makes you talented. All I’m saying is depressed people are very expressive when they are given an opportunity and liberty to fully express them self in a particular field. The world has been blessed with some of the most beautiful gems like Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Bill Hicks. And it breaks my heart to say that they all were soldiers who battled against depression. Maybe it just helps them feel things more deeply and that is exactly what they portray in their works.

2-Thinking is not a choice for them.

Their minds are a messy place. They are constantly swimming in between a pool of thoughts and it just doesn’t stop. No matter what they do.

3-They have a high defence mechanism.

They have really high walls built for themselves which prevents anyone from reaching to them. People with depression can cover up for anything. They are excellent for hiding emotions.

4-They have a sense of purpose.

They question everything and do everything in their control to seek answers. This often leads to anxiety but they feel the need of knowing.

5-They can pull of masks.

They are brilliant at hiding their emotions. That is what depression does to you. It makes you wear a mask; rather it sticks one on your face. The mask stays for so long sometimes that they even forget what the really look like.

6-They cry for help secretly.

We all need a shoulder to cry on once in a while. But for depressed people, their cries for help are very silent. They will never ask for help but they are the ones who need it the most.

7-They have no definite sleeping hours.

They have a very unusual sleeping pattern. Sometimes they stay in bed all days. And sometimes they go on weeks without sleep.

8-They have abandonment issues.

They never trust someone completely when someone tells them that they are here to stay. They are emotionally very insecure.

9-They have their own back.

They solve their own issues without looking up to anyone else for help. They have their own backs.

10-They have weird eating habits.

They can go an entire day without eating but sometimes they won’t be seen without food. It is said that your emotions do have an effect on your eating habits.

11-They are always ready for the worse.

They are prepared for everything. But that doesn’t mean that it hurts any less.

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